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Discussing our Initial concept

Our initial thoughts when designing the branding were: Keep to three colours this allowed us to keep the concept clean and tight. It allowed us to create a concept that was sleek.

I also explored using Cinema 4D in some way as I was heavily influenced by 'Nickelodeon' and CBBC. I really liked the characteristic that was associated to the language and text of the brand. I felt we needed to include this into our work some how. I also felt as though we were not really exploring as many avenues as we could.

However, after feedback to our initial thoughts with comments referring it as "being too corporate" we went back to the drawing board and explored concepts that were more light hearted and colourful. Going back to my earlier thoughts. We also thought we needed to decide on our insight, this is because our insight would influence the form and shape our branding would take. By locking this down we would be able to see clearly what our art direction would take.

Our new branding was influenced by our Mind the Film exploration days. This is because we saw it as a great opportunity to have fun exploring a new medium.



Elementrix was created as MY Advertising blog for my Degree course At ravensbourn university.


I hope you will enjoy reading and viewing my work as i take you on my journey of development and design within my digital advertising and design course.


I have always believed that to thrive in todays industry you need to bring your personality, sense of creativity but most importantly to be versatile in an ever changing industry !   

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