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Initial Ideas and Development

After receiving the brief from shelter my team set about deconstructing the key elements of what the client wanted.

These included creating a new virtual challenge from scratch that made Shelter stand out from the rest of the charities. One of their key messages at the meeting was to increase fundraising for the charity and to boost participation.

We brainstormed out some initial ideas and concepts:

To create a starting point for ourselves we divided research between the four of us. I would research into the competition (what other charities were doing in regards to virtual challenges) Nico completed background research into the charity to see if we could get any inspiration from what they have already tried to do in the past. Toby researched into fitness apps and how they tracked you. He also researched into the most popular forms of fitness through a questionnaire.

We planned our time out to organise ourselves so we would be ready for our pitch and had everything done that needed to be.

These results helped form our insight and then later on, our challenge. We focused on one key result that suggested cycling being one of the top favourites to completing a challenge. Sophie then came up with the brilliant idea of using Wheels as a concept. As we realised that Shelters other challenges were not necessarily all inclusive as less able bodied competitors could not really take part as they were running based challenges. We wanted to widen Shelters participants beyond just their corporate clients as we believed our challenge could be come a large scale project that would target the masses.

This was just one of our concepts we came up with. We came up with 2 other ideas that were based on Pokemon Go as virtual treasure hunts (Finders Keepers) And the film Nerve which was named Outdare

Outdare was a fitness based dare concept that in turn would force people to do fitness challenges in return for money (sponsorship as a form of fundraising) the participants would take part as either challengers or sponsors and people would be challenged by a sponsor selecting a dare and would pay the price tag connected to that dare.

We decided not to show Shelter 'Finders Keepers' because we felt the idea was not developed enough and we felt stronger with 'OutDare' and 'Yes we Can'.


We created print outs that would display our ideas in a clear and creative way. On reflection we should not have made so many however, we wanted to cover all basis to really try and sell our challenge concept.

After a few days of Shelter deliberating our ideas we received feedback. From this we found out that Shelter wanted us to take 'Yes We Can' forward. Below you can see the feedback we received and the key information we took on board to develop the challenge further.



Elementrix was created as MY Advertising blog for my Degree course At ravensbourn university.


I hope you will enjoy reading and viewing my work as i take you on my journey of development and design within my digital advertising and design course.


I have always believed that to thrive in todays industry you need to bring your personality, sense of creativity but most importantly to be versatile in an ever changing industry !   

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