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WWE - Briefing & Initial Ideas & Research

WWE briefed us with what they wanted us to create. They wanted us to create a concept that would be relevant to 18 - 34 year old males that would be promoting the network as well as the WWE OTT platforms.

- A key message I took from the briefing was go big and have fun with it. “No idea is too big or out there”

For this project I was responsible for researching and sourcing multiple videos to edit and cut to make a rap parody. To help articulate our idea visually with stock footage. I helped with the ideas side of it more on this project rather than the execution. I was able to think more about the marketing plan for the project. How would we be able to promote the show? What could be included in the show to put a spin on it that was different from he videos we researched to make it funnier and stronger as a concept. I suggested the Wheel of Rap as well as the idea of the wrestlers facing off in the ring. We worked collectively and collaboratively as team for this project as we dived the work up evenly because at any one time two of us were working on the brief for WWE and one of us was working on the degree show. This allowed us to balance our commitments and complete both projects well.

With this project I felt the degree show started to impact on our work load and what we were working on. As deadlines were creeping up for us to buy and sort out creative problems and branding that arose with the production of the show. Even though we had an extension on this brief I felt I could have pushed and executed the rap video differently.

After Briefing we set about brainstorming and thinking of ideas that could be relevant to the target audience but also work with promoting the world famous brand that is WWE. We found we were searching a lot on youtube and I had been seeing videos pop up on youtube from UniLad and LadBible where they would go out into the general public ask them to spontaneously start rapping on a beat and free style. We were also looking at the likes of Drop the mic and James Cordon car pool which have been hugely popular for the age bracket of 18 -34 year olds.

To help with the video, I researched relevant videos that featured rap battles and examples of how this could would work as a concept. I wanted to add this into our deck to help explain how it could work swell as the short video trailer I made.



Elementrix was created as MY Advertising blog for my Degree course At ravensbourn university.


I hope you will enjoy reading and viewing my work as i take you on my journey of development and design within my digital advertising and design course.


I have always believed that to thrive in todays industry you need to bring your personality, sense of creativity but most importantly to be versatile in an ever changing industry !   

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